Chapter 2
Dhana yogas
- If the there’s a parivartana between either the 2nd and 5th lords or the 2nd and 11th lords, the native earns a lot. This is also true for the placement of the 5th and 9th lords in their own houses
- If the lords of 2nd and 11th are associated with lords of the 5th and 9th, dhana yoga results.
- If the said planets (2nd and 11th)are associated with lords other than the 5th and 9th, no dhana yoga results; however, the native does enjoy moderate wealth
- There’ll be loss of wealth if the 12th lord associates with the 2nd and 11th lords
- It’s always fortunate for Jupiter to associate with the 2nd lord and Mercury
- If the 1st, 2nd and 11th lords are in their own houses, a dhana yoga is formed
- If the 2nd and 11th lords are in the lagna, a powerful dhana yoga results
- If the different karakas are present in their respective bhavas, such bhavas lose their vitality and give rise to very little of their indications
- For Capricornians, if Moon is alone in Aquarius, the native regains lost wealth
Poverty yogas
- If the lagna lord is in 8th, together with lords of 4th and 9th, there’s sure to be lifelong poverty
- If there’s a parivartana between the 2nd and 12th lords, poverty is certain
- If the 2nd lord is in 12th, the 12th lord in lagna and aspected by a malefic, poverty is indicated
Education yogas
- Venus or Mercury in 4th makes the native proficient in music and astrology respectively
- If Rahu conjoins either Sun or Mercury in 5th, the native becomes an expert in astrology and dealing with poisons
- A Sun-Mercury combination in 2nd makes one a good astrologer. If this combination is aspected by Saturn, the native becomes a mathematician
- Sun and Mars in 2nd makes one a logician. Saturn, Mercury and Sun in 5th makes the native an expert in philosophy
- A Sun-Mercury combine in either a quadrant, trine or 11th makes one a mathematician. Venus in 2nd makes one a poet
- Rahu in 4th confers long life to the mother. If in 5th, the native becomes an expert in understanding inner meanings of things
- Jupiter in 2nd, especially when that happens to be either Sagittarius, Pisces or Cancer, makes one an expert in the Vedas
- It’s fortunate to have Jupiter and the 2nd lord associated in a quadrant or trine
- The presence of Moon and Mars in 2nd makes one a priest
- Saturn in the 2nd makes one vindictive and a fool
Tastes and speech
- If Saturn is in or aspects the 3rd, or associated with the lord of the 3rd, the native would be inclined to sour and pungent flavors
- If Mars is in or aspects the 3rd, or associated with the lord of the 3rd, the native would be inclined to hot food
- If Jupiter is in or aspects the 3rd, or associated with the lord of the 3rd, the native would like sattvik food
- Venus in 2nd would make one loose in morals
- Ketu or Jupiter in 2nd would make one a clever speaker. If there’s Saturn, he’s liable to speak rudely
- Moon in the 2nd would make the native talkative. If Sun and Mars are in 2nd, the person speaks harshly
- If Mercury is in 2nd, he’ll speak cleverly and skillfully. If Rahu is present, he’ll speak with humility
- If Venus is in 2nd, the native would like milk and sweets. Rahu or Ketu in 2nd makes one adaptable
- If Saturn is in 2nd, the food eaten by the native gets polluted by sudras