Chapter 26
Effects of transits of the various planets and constellations
1. Among all the Lagnas, the Moon's Lagna (Chandra Lagna or the sign in which the Moon is posited), is most important for assessing the effects of transits (Gocharaphalam). It is, therefore, imperative to make predictions about effects of the transits of planets through various signs from the sign occupied by the Moon.
2. The various planets give results while transiting the following places counted from the Moon.
The Sun - the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th.
The Moon - the 1st, 3rd. 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th.
Mars - 3rd, 6th and 11th.
Mercury- 2nd. 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and llth.
Jupiter - 2nd, 5th, 7th. 9th and 11th.
Venus - 1st, 2nd. 3rd. 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th.
Saturn - 3rd, 6th and llth.
Rahu - 3rd. 6th. 10th and 11th.
Katu - 3rd. 6th, 10th and 11th.
3. In the course of his transit the Sun is auspicious in 11th, 3rd, 10th and 6th if at that the corresponding Vedha place namely the 5th, 9th, 4th and 12th respectively are not affected by the transit of any of the planets except Saturn.
4. The auspicious house for the Moon while in transit are the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th. The Vedha houses respectively are the 5th, 9th, 12th, 2nd, 4th and 8th. In this case the effect will not be marked if Mercury should transit at that time the corresponding Vedha place.
5. The auspicious houses for Mars while in transit are the 3rd, 6th and 11th, and the corresponding Vedha houses are respectively the 12th, 9th and 5th. The same applies to Saturn, but in this case the effect will not be marred if the Sun should transit at the time of corresponding Vedha places.
6. The auspicious houses for Mercury while in transit are the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 11th. The corresponding Vedha houses are respectively the 5th, 3rd, 9th, 8th and 12th. In the case of Mercury the effect will not be marred if the Moon should transit at the time the corresponding Vedha places.
7. During his transit in the 2nd, 11th, 9th, 5th and 7th Jupiter is good if the corresponding Vedha places viz., the 12th, 8th, 10th, 4th and 3rd are without planets.
8. During his transit in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 12th, and 11th, Venus will produce auspicious effects if the corresponding Vedha places viz., the 8th, 7th, 1st, 10th, 9th, 5th, llth, 6th and 3rd respectively are without planets.
9-11. When the Sun transits through the sign occupied by the Moon (Chandra Lagna) the native will suffer from fatigue and loss of wealth. He will become short tempered and will be sick. He will perform journey which will tire him. The effects of the Sun's transits through the other houses from the Moon will be as follows :-
1st - wearisome journey, fatigue, diseases.
2nd - Loos of wealth, unhappiness, obstinacy andvictim of deceit by others.
3rd - Acquistion of a new position, gain of wealth, happiness, freedom from diseases and destruction of enemies.
4th - Diseases, impediments to sexual enjoyments.
5th - Mental anguish, ill health, humiliation in all possible ways.
6th - Freedom from diseases, destruction of enemies, removal of sorrows and anxieties.
7th - Wearisome jorneys, stomach disorders, trouble in the anus and suffering humiliation.
8th - Fear, diseases, quarrels, royal displeasure, suffering from excessive heat.
9th - Danger, humiliation, separation from close relations and mental depression.
10th - Success in a great and important undertaking.
11th - New position, honour, wealth and freedom from diseases.
12th - Sorrow, toss of wealth, quarrels with friends and fever.
12. The Moon's transit through the various houses reckoned from the Moon will yield the following effects:—
1st - Dawn of fortune
2nd - Loss of wealth
3rd - Success
4th - Fear
5th - Sorrow
6th - Freedom from diseases
7th - Happiness
8th - Unhappy and troublesome events.
9th - Sickness
10th - Fulfilment of ambitions
11th – Joy
12th - Expenditure.
13-16. The following effects will be realised from Mars' transit through the various houses reckoned from the Moon:-
1st - Mental Depression, separation from relations and diseases caused by impurity of blood, bile and heat.
2nd - Fear, exchange of hot words and loss, of wealth.
3rd - Success in all undertakings, acquistiorj of gold ornaments and, happiness caused thereby.
4th - Loss of position, stomach disorders and sorrow through relations.
5th - Fever, unnecessary desires, mental agony through son, quarrel with relations. .
6th - End of strife and withdrawal of enemies, freedom from diseases, victory, gain of wealth and success in all undertakings.
7th - Misunderstanding with wife, eye diseases, stomach-ache and similar disorders.
8th - Fever, anaemia, loss of wealth and honour.
9th - Humiliation through of wealth, difficulty in walking due to weakness and wastage in the several constituent elements of body.
10th - Misbehaviour, failure in efforts and exhaustion.
11th - Gain of wealth, freedom from diseases and increase in landed property.
12th - Loss of wealth, sickness caused by exessive heat.
17. The following effects will be realised by the passage fo Mercury through the various houses reckoned from the Moon:-
1st - Loss of wealth
2nd - Gain of wealth
3rd - Fear from enemies
4th - Accrual of wealth
5th - Quarrel with wife and children
6th - Success
7th - Misunderstandings
8th - Gain of wealth and birth of children
9th - Destruction in undertakings
10th - Happiness all round
11th - Increase in prosperity
12th - Fear of humiliation.
18-20 The effects of the transit of Jupiter through the various houses reckoned from the Moon will be as given below:-
1st - Departure Irom the native place, heavy expenditure and ill will towards others.
2nd - Acquisition of wealth, domestic happiness and influence over others.
3rd - Loss of position, separation from friends, obstacles in business and diseases.
4th - Sorrow through relations, humiliation and danger from quadrupeds.
5th - Birth of children, association with noble persons and royal favour.
6th - Trouble from enemies and cousins and diseases.
7th - Journey for an auspicious work, happiness with wife and acquisition of children.
8th -Tiresome journeys resulting in fatigue, unlucky, misery and loss of wealth.
9th - Prosperity all round.
10th - Danger to property, position and children.
11th - Birth of children, gain of new position and honour.
12th - Grief, fear caused through property.
21. The effects of the transit of Venus through the various houses reckoned from the Moon be as follows: -
1st - Conferment of all kinds of enjoyments.
2nd - Gain of wealth.
3rd - Prosperity.
4th - Increase in happiness and friends.
5th - Birth of children.
6th - Accidents.
7th - Trouble to wife.
8th - Acqusition of wealth.
9th - Happiness.
10th - Quarrels.
11th - Safety.
12th - Acquisition of wealth.
22-23. Saturn in his passage through the various houses reckoned from the Moon, will produce the following effects :—
1st - Diseases and performance of funeral rites.
2nd - Loss of wealth and children.
3rd - Gain of position or employment and acqusition of wealth and servants.
4th - Loss of wife, relations and wealth.
5th - Diminishing of wealth, loss of children and confusion of mind.
6th - Happiness all round.
7th - Suffering to wife and danger during journeys.
8th - Loss of children, cattle, friends and wealth, and suffering from diseases.
9th - Loss of wealth, obstacles to the performance of good deeds, death of an elderly relative equal to father and perpetual sorrow.
10th - Indulgence in sinful actions, loss of honour and suffering from diseases.
11th - All kinds of happiness, gain of wealth and receipt of unique honour.
12th - Engagement in a business bringing no gains, loss of wealth through enemies, and sickness to wife and son.
24. Rahu in the course of his passage through the various houses will cause the following effects :—
1st - Sickness or death. 2nd - Loss of wealth. 3rd - Happiness. 4th - Sorrow. 5th - Financial loss. 6th – Happiness. 7th - Losses (of wealth). 8th - Danger to life. 9th - Losses (of wealth). 10th - Gains (of wealth). 11th - Happiness. 12th - Expenditure.
Note:—The author has not given the effects of the transit of Ketu. Probably they will be the same as those of Rahu.
30. Mars and the Sun produce effects (during their transit) when they are in the first 10 degrees or first decanate of a sign. Jupiter and Venus are effective in middle position of a sign (2nd decanate) while the Moon and Saturn become alive when in the last position. Mercury and Rahu produce effects throughout their passage.
The transit of Nakshatras Saptashalaka
26. Draw seven lines horizontally (from West to East) and over them draw seven lines vertically. The 28 extremities or points reckoned from the north-east are to be ascribed to the 28 stars (including Abhijit) counted from Krittika (as shown in the diagram below :—
If the star occupied by the Sun at the time happens to be the Vedha star to the natal star, there will be apprehension of danger to life; if the Adhana Nakshatra (19th from the Janma Nakshatra), there will be fear and anxiety; if to the Kharmaksha (10th from the Janma Nakshatra). loss of wealth will take place, should, however, the Sun in the above position be also associated with a malefic, death alone has to be expected.
27. If any one of the three Nakshatras mentioned above be thus afflicted by association of other malefics (other than the Sun) then death may occur; if with benefics, there will be no danger to life. Every thing should be judged in the same manner.
28. If the 19th, 10th, 3rd, 1st, 23rd, 5th or 7th (all reckoned from the Janma Nakshatra) are afflicted by malefics during their transit, there will be danger to life. If the planet be benefic, failure in undertaking will be the only result.
Notes — For Adhana, Karmaksha, Vainisika etc. see Jataka Parijata (p. 625) published by Ranjan Publishers.
29. If the three Nakshatras viz, the 1st, the 10th and the 19th happen to coincide with the Sun's entry into a new sign, or with the transit of any other planets from one sign to another, or with an eclipse, planetary war, or a fall of meteors or any other unexpected occurence, there will be likelihood of death of the native or he will face some similar disaster.
30. The planets fail to assert their full effects in the course of their transit in the following circumstances :—
(a) If a planet yielding adverse effects is aspected by a benefic, his evil effects are cancelled.
(b) A benefic planet is deprived of his benefical effects if he is aspected by a malefic.
(c) A planet loses his capability to do good If he is aspected by an Inimical planet or planets.
31. If a planet in the course of his transit Is placed in an evil house identical with his own or exalted sign, does not yield adverse effects. If he be placed in an auspicious house identical with his own sign or exalted sign, full beneficial results may be expected from him.
32. Favourable planets if in the course of their transh are placed in their sign of debilitation, or in an inimical or be eclipsed by the Sun's rays lose their power to produce good effects. If the planets in the above circumstances get placed in an evil house, they yield very adverse effects.
33. If the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn happen to occupy, in the course of their transit, the 1st, 8th or 10th house reckoned from the Moon sign, they cause danger to the life of the native, fall from position and loss of wealth.
34. In the course of their transit, the Moon in the 8th, Mars in the 7th, Rahu in the 9th, Mercury in the 4th, Jupiter in the 3rd, Venus in the 6th, Saturn in the 1st and the Sun in the 5th, from the natal Moon, cause loss of honour and wealth, and danger to life.
Planets and Limbs
In the following six verses, the author describes how the 27 nakshatras reckoned from the Janma Nakshatra (birth star) are distributed among the various parts of the body of the native during the course of the transit of each of the planets from the Sun onwards. Their effects have also been mentioned.
35. The following table shows the distribution of the 27 nakshatras reckoned from the Janma Nakshatra and the relative effects in the course of the transit of the Sun:—
Distribution amongst births |
Effects |
(a) 1st star - face |
destruction. |
(b) 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th - head |
gain of wealth. |
(c) 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th - chest |
success |
(d) 10th, llth, 12th and 13th - right hand |
financial gain |
(e) 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th - two feet |
loss of wealth |
(f) 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd - left hand |
illness |
(g) 24th and 25th - the two eyes |
gain of wealth |
(h) 26th and 27th - the generative organs |
danger to life |
36. The Moons's transit
Distribution amongst limbs |
Effects |
(a) The 1st and 2nd - face |
great fear |
(b) 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th - headd |
safety |
(c) 7th, 8th - back |
victory over enemies |
(d) 9th. 10th - two eyes |
gain of wealth |
(e) llth 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th - chest |
peace of mind |
(f) 16th, 17th. 18th - left hand |
quarrels |
(g) 19th, 20th, 21st. 22nd. 23rd. 24th - two feet |
going to foreign place |
(h) 25th. 26th. 27th - right hand |
acquisition of wealth |
37-38. Mars' transit
Distribution amongst limbs |
Effects |
(a) 1st and 2nd - face |
death |
(b) 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th - two feet |
quarrels |
(c) 9th, 10th, 11th - chest |
success |
(d) 12rh, 13th, 14th, 15th - left hand |
poverty |
(e) 16th. 17th – head |
gains |
(f) 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st - face |
great fear |
(g) 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th - right hand |
happiness |
(h) 26th, 27th - two eyes |
going to a foreign place |
The transits of Mercury, Jupiter and Venus
Distribution amongst limbs |
Effects |
(a) 1st, 2nd, 3rd - head |
sorrow |
(b) 4rd, 5th, 6th - face |
financial gain |
(c) 7th. 8th. 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th - two hands |
success |
(d) 13th. 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th - belly |
influx of wealth |
(e) 18th. 19th - generative organs |
loss of wealth |
(f) 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th 27th two feet |
honour and gain of reputation |
39-40. The transits of Saturn, Raha and Ketu
Distribution amongst Limbs |
Effects |
(a) 1st - face |
grief |
(b) 2nd, 3rd. 4th. 5th - right hand |
happiness |
(c) 6th, 7th, 8th - right leg |
travel |
(d) 9th, 10th, 11th - left leg |
loss of wealth |
(e) 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th - left hand |
acquisition of wealth |
(f) 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th - belly |
sexual |
(g) 21st, 22nd, 23rd - head |
happiness |
(h) 24th, 25th - eyes |
happiness |
(i) 26th, 27th - back |
danger to life. |
41. The planets who in the course ot their transits pass through signs containing more benefic dots (Bindhus) in the Ashtakavarga, always produce good effects, even when such signs happen to be the 6th, 8th or 12th. Effects of Latta and Sarvatobhadra
42-44. In finding out the transit effects at any particular time-(a) The 12th nakshatra from the nakshatra occupied by the Sun,
(b) the 3rd nakshatra from the nakshatra occupied by Mars,
(c) the 6th nakshatra from the nakshatra occupied by Jupiter, and
(d) the 8th nakshatra from that occupied by Saturn, are called lattas.
(a) the 5th nakshatra from that occupied by Venus,
(b) the 7th from that occupied by Mercury,
(c) the 8th from that occupied by Rahu, and
(d) the 22nd from that occupied by the Moon
are called Prushtalatta or rear lattas. If when thus counting the Janma Nakshatra happens to come as the Latta star, the native will suffer from illness and mental anxiety.
45-46. During the Sun's Latta there will be financial loss in every venture. There will be grief and unhappiness during the Latta of Rahu. There will be death of the native, destruction of kinsmen and fear during the Latta of Jupiter. Quarrels will take place during the Latta of Venus. Loss of position may be expected during the Latta of Mercury. The native will suffer excessive financial loss during the Latta of the Moon.
47. When two or more Lattas synchromise, the total effects will proportionately increase in intensity being twice or thrice. Only evil effects may be expected as the outcome of such combination.
48. The Vedhas pronounced as auspicious in the Sarvatobhadra Chakra bring happiness while those declared as evil produce only misery. This should also be taken into account while essessing the, transit effects of a planet.
Notes— Mantreshwara makes of the Lattas and Sarvatobhadra Chakra as both having a bearing on the Vedhas.
The Lattas are of two kinds
(1) Forward or puro Lattas and (2) Rear or Prishta Lattas. The Lattas of the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn belong to the former clan. The rest belong to the latter.
Thus, if the Sun should occupy at any time, say the nakshatra Moola, his Latta nakshatra (which is the 12th from Moola) will be krittika. Suppose at that time Venus occupies Sravana, his Latta nakshatra which is the 5th from Sravana will be Jyestha, the counting in this case being made from Sravana in the reverse order as Venus is a Prishta Latta.
Sarvatobhadra Chakra
Shri V. Subrahmania Sastri in his English translation of Phaladeepika has given extracts from Horaratna on Sarvatobhadra Chakra which we take the liberty of reproducing for the benefit of the readers.
"Draw ten lines verticalry and other ten lines cross wise over the same. You will have 81 squares. Which in regular order the 16 vowels from onwards in the corner squares commencing from the outer most corner in the North-East, thus filling up in rotation the 4 corners of each of the 4 sets of squares. Fill up the 28 vacant squares of the outermost comer beginning from the North-East by the 28 asterism with krittika, so that each side will contain 7 asterism.
The 5 vacant squares of each side of the next row may be filled by a, ba, ka, ha, da in the East, by ma, da, pa, ra, ta in the South, na, ya, ma, ja, kha in the West and na, sa, ta, ca, la in the North. There now remain 12 squares, 3 on each side in the next Inner row. These may be allotted to the 12 signs beginning with Vrishabha in the East in regular order.
The 5 inner squares still remaining Vacant may be allotted to the 5 groups of Tithy * Nanda, Bhadra, Jaya, Rikta and Purna as shown in the chakra.
The seven week days may be entered in the squares thus : Tuesday and Sunday in the square containing the Nanda group, Wednesday and Monday in the Bhadra group; Thursday in the Jaya group; Friday in the Rikta and Saturday in the Purna.
Saturn, the Sun, Rahu, Ketu and Mars are malefics. The rest are benefic. Mercury is malefic wher associated with malefics, so also is the waning Moon.
In whichever aslant a planet may be posited, three Vedhas arise from the same by its aspect - one in the left, one in the first and on in the right.
In the two sides whether in the right or left, the Vedha may be with a star, a consonant, a Rasi or Vowel and not with others. For, it has been clearly stated in the Rajavijaya thus :
A planet posited in Krittika may have Vedha with the following viz., (1) Bharani, (2) the Vowel (3) Vrishabna, (4) Nanda, (5) Bhadra. (6) Tula, (7) the consonant (8) Visakha and Sravana.
Similarly a planet in Rohini will have Vedha with (1) the Vowel (2) Aswini, (3) the consonant (4) Mithuna, (5) the Vowel (6) Kanya, (7) the consonant (8) Swati and Abhijit.
In the same way a planet quartered in Mrigasira may have Vedha with (1) Kataka (2) the consonant (3) Simha, (4) the consonant (5) Chittra, (6) Revati, (7) the consonant (8) the Vowel (...) and (9) Uttarashada.
When a planet is retrograde in motion, the aspect is towards the right. It is on the left when the motion is direct (swift). When it is mean one, it is towards the front. This is with reierence to the five planets from Mars onwards.
In the case of Rahu and Ketu which are always retrograde the Vedha will be on the right and in the case of the Sun and the Moon which move direct and have no retrograde motion, the Vedha will be on the left.
Owing to there being no uniformity in motion among the other planets, three kinds of vedhas have been mentioned. Malefics when retrograde will cause intense evil if they are in Vedha position, while benefics will do immense good. Malefics and benefics which in rapid motion partake of the nature of the planets they are associated with, when the four asterism Ardra, Hasta Poorvashada and Uttarabhadrapaha which occupy the four central position of the outer most border are passed over (transitted) by a planet the following four triplets viz. (1) (...) (2) (...) (3) (...) and (4) (...) are respectively hit (have Vedhas).
In the case of the pairs (1) (...) (2) (...) (3) (...) and (4) (...) if one letter of any pair be hit (has Vedha), the other'should also be considered as hit. A Saumya Vedha is one that is caused by a benefic.
If there be Vedha in one of the pairs if similar vowels, the other vowel of the pair should also be considered as hit. The same should be made in the case of the Anuswara and Visarga (vowels).
When a planet in transit is in the last or the first quarter of two asterisms (forming the juncture) in any four comers of the square, there is Vedha of the four vowels, (...) and Purna tithi in regular order commencing with that vowel intervening at the particular juncture occupied by the planet, the effects arising from these are: agitation or excitement from the first, fear from the second, loss from the third and disease from the fourth and death for the fifth.
When the Vedha Is with an asterism, there is confusion, when with a letter, loss, with a vowel, sickness, and a very great obstacle when with a Tithi or Rasi.
When there are five Vedhas simultaneously, the individual will not live. A single Vedha will engender fear in battle, two vedhas, loss of money, three some obstacle and four death.
Just as malefics produce evil and benefics eause good, benefics associated with malefics produce only evil effects.
In the Sun's Vedha, there is misunderstanding, in that of Mars, loss of wealth; that of Saturn trouble through sickness; in those of Rahu and Ketu, obstacles. In the Moon's there will be mixed effects, in that of Venus, sexual enjoyment; in that of Mercury, intelligence; in that of Jupiter, all round good effect. When the planet causing Vedha is retrograde, the effect is two told: it is thrice when he is in exaltation; when the motion is rapid (direct), the usual (natural) effect; and when in depression, the effect is only half. Any Tithi, Rasi or Amsa or Nakshatra hit by a malefic should be scrupulously avoided in all auspicious undertakings; a marriage celebrated during a Vedha will not be happy; and any journey undertaken will not prove prosperous; any treatment given to a patient will not end in cure; and any business started will not be successful. If a Vedha caused by a malefic should occur during the time of sickness, it will culminate in death if the motion be retrograde. If the motion be direct, the sickness will soon subside. If there be Vedha caused by a malefic in one's own week day (of birth), the person will not have peace of mind and he will suffer from mental pain.
During the transit of the Sun in the three Rasis Vrishabha, Mithuna and Kataka in the East (see chakra) the direction is considered as set while the remaining three as existing (or visible).
The vowels (...) in the North-feast should be considered as belonging to the East, the Vowels (...) in the South-East; to the South (...) to the West, (...) to the North.
In the particular direction in which the Sun is staying for three months, all the asterism, Vowels, Rasis and Tithis in that direction should be deemed as set.
When an asterism is set and there is Vedha, sickness will be the result. When a consonant is set, there is loss; when a Vowel is set, there is sorrow; when a Rasi is set, there is obstacle; when a Tithi is set and there is Vedha, fear will arise. When all the five are in the set direction and there is Vedha, death will surely result.
Towards the direction deemed as set journey, fight, discussion, fixing of a new door or gate for a place and upper storeys should not be undertaken. Any other similar auspicious action should not be done. Whoever has his initial letter situated in the set direction should consider himself as destined unfortunate for the time.
People whose initial letters are in the set direction should if they desire success, show a poetical contest, a fort, a battle (consisting of elephants, horses, chariots, infantry, etc.), in that particular quarter.
In the case of an asterism situated in any of the other 'risen' direction, if there should be a Vedha, there will be growth. If the Vedha be with a consonant, gain will be the result; if with a Vowel, there will be happiness; if with a Rasi, there will be success; if with a Tithi, there is lustre; if with all, a position is secured.
When there are Vedhas caused by malefics on both the right and left sides with consonants, Tithis, Vowels, Rasis and asterisms at any time, the person concerned will surely meet with his death.
When at the time of a malefic Vedha, there is a fateful upagraha (see next three slokas of this note) synchromising, death is sure to happen to him either through sickness or at battle.
The fifth star reckoned from the one occupied by the Sun is termed Vidyumukha. The 8th is called Sula and the 14th Sannipata; the 18th is known as Ketu and 21st is Ulka; the 23rd is known as Vajraka and 24th is termed Nirghata. These eight are known as Upagrahas and are recorgnised as causing obstacles to all undertakings when at the time planets transit their respective palces.
Ascertain if there is Vedha with any of the following asterisms; (1) Janmabha, (2) Karma, (3) Adhana, (4) Vinasa, (5) Samudayika, (6) Sanghatika, (7) Jati (8) Desa and (9) Abhisheka and predict good or bad effects according as the Vedha producer by a benefic or a malefic as the case may be.
The star in which the Moon is at the time of birth of a person is known as Janmabha or Janmarksha. The 10th therefrom is called karmabha or karmarksha. The 19th is designed as Adhana, the 23rd is termed Vinasana or Vainsasika, the 18th star is styled Samudayika, the 16th asterism is known as Sanghatika, the 26th, 27th and 28th are known as Jati, Desa and Abhisheka respectively.
If the Janmarksha, the karmarksha and the Vinasarksha be each occupied by malefic planets, death, sorrow, absence from one's place and quarrel with one's relations will respectively resuk.
When there is gala in the Samudayika Nakshatra, evil or something untoward will arise. There will be loss when the Vedha is in the Sanghatika Nakshatra. Destruction of the family will be the effect when the Vedha is in Jati or the 26th star from Janmarksha. In the 28th star, the Vedha will cause imprisonment.
When the occultation is by a malefic in the asterism known as Desa, the person concerned will be expelled from his country. But Vedha in the above case be by benefics, the result will be auspicious. Should the Vedhas with the Upagrahas (see supra) also occur simultaneously, the result will be death and nothing short of that.
When at the time of a battle, caused by one, two, three, four or five malefics, the corresponding effects will be fear, failure, killing (bloodshed) death and ignominy respectively.
When the Moon happens to be in Vedha simultaneously with a Tithi or Nakshatra, a Vowel, a Rasl and consonant on any day, that day will prove auspicious or otherwise according as the planet causing the Vedha is benefic or malefic.
While the use of the Sarvatobhadra Chakra and the light it may throw on the human cycle of life on the person concerned has fully been explained previously, the technique and the pointers to such deductions (of results) have not had full explanation to make the same handy and useful for easy reference. The same has been explained below.
There are 1-2 letters (or sounds) belonging to the 28 asterisms at the rate of one letter for each Nakshatra Pada. These are mentioned for ready reference. Person whose name begins with any one of these letters have got a bearing on the corresponding Nakshatra pada and judged accordingly.
49. If planets are adversely posited whether during their transit, Dasa, Antardasa or Ashtakavarga, it will be necessary to propitiate them by performing virtuous deeds, observing fasts, prayersprescribed for them, Japa, Shanti, making gifts and doing appropriate adorations.
50. The planets are favourable to those who do not commit acts harmful or injurious to others, who exercises self control and always follow the path and rules of conduct laid down by Shastras and who are always observing religions discipline.
Thus ends the twenty sixth chapter on "Transits of Planets" in Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.