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1. The child would die immediately after birth if the birth takes place at twilight an hour before or after sunset and malefics be posited in the last portions of the signs. If Moon be posited in a quadrant and other three quadrants be occupied by malefics, the child would die immediately after birth. The same would happen if there be malefics in 1st and 7th houses, or these houses be hemmed in between malefics.

2. The child would die soon after birth if there be a malefic each in Ascendant aad 7th house and Moon be also associated with a malefic planet without receiving any benefic aspect.

3. If Moon be placed in 6th, or 8th house and Rahu is the 4th, the child would die immediately after birth. The remedial measure would be to worship the Lord. If there be a malefic planet in a quadrant neutralising the above adverse effect, even then, the death would take place within a year. If Mars be posited in Jupiters sign and Jupiter be in the sign of Mars, death would take place within eleven years.

4. If Moon associated with a malefic be posited in 1st, 7th, 8th or 12th house without receiving the aspect of a benefic planet placed in a house other than a quadrant the child would die soon after birth. When the birth takes place during day in dark half of a month, Moon even if placed in 6th or 8th house and aspected by malefics, would not kill the child. When the birth takes place at night during bright half of a month, Moon in the same position and aspected by benefics would protect the child.

5. The new-born child would die soon if: a) Sun and Moon be in Ascendant and be not associated with or aspected by benefics. b) if strong malefics occupy 5th, 8th and 9th, houses; c) if Saturn, Sun, Moon and Mars occupy respectively 12th, 9th,, 1st and 8th houses. The child would be saved if these combinations be aspected by a strong Jupiter (our view is that in this disposition of planets, a strong Jupiter placed in 5th, 7th or 9th house could save the child from death), and d) if Moon be badly placed (this could mean placement in the sign of debilitation or an inimical sign or if it be a new Moon), in 5th, Yth, 8th, 7th. 12th or 1st house and be devoid of benefic aspect.

6. The newly born child would die soon after birth if Moon be placed in 6th or 8th house and aspected by malefic planets. If, however, Moon gets the benefit of benefic aspect, the child would remain alive up-to eight years. If Moon in such position be aspected both by benetic and malefic planets, the child would live up to four lears. The child would live for one year if a malefic planet in an enemy sign, occupies 8th house aspected by a malefic. If the malefic aspects Sun placed in a quadrant, the child would live for 10 or 16 years.

7. If Sun and Moon be associated with Saturn, the child would live upto nine years. The longevity would be of one month if all the malefics be placed in 6th and 8th. The child would die in the 4th year, if Mercury be placed in Cancer in 6th or the 8th house and be aspected by a malefic Moon. If Sun, Venus and Saturn be all associated with malefics, the death of child will take place soon after his birth.

8. The child would die soon after birth if Sun be posited in the sign of Mars or Saturn and Jupiter placed in 10th be aspected by malefics. The child and the the mother would die if malefics posited in the 7th an 8th be aspected by malefics and get no benefic aspect.

9-10. If the lord of the sign occupied by Moon be posited in 8th house in conjunction wjth the lord of Ascendant aspected by malefics, the child would die in four months. If the lord of the sign occupied by Moon be in 7th house conjoined by a malefic and the lord of Ascendant received malefic aspects, the child would die within eighth months. If Jupiter placed in 8th house be aspected by all the malefics, without receiving any benefic aspect, he would be in a position of inflicting harm to the child. In other words the child would have very poor longevity. If Jupiter posited thus be in the sign of Mars the evil would be still more severe. If retrograde Saturn in a quadrant or 8th or 6th house owned by Mars the child would in all probabilities die in three years.

11 and 12. The following dispositions of planet are not favourable for the longevity of the newly born infants: 1) Saturn occupying 8th house from Ascendant; 2) Son in his sign of debilitation being posited in 5th or 9th house. 3) Mars in 8th or Mercury aspected by a strong malefic in 6th or 8th house cause death within four years. 4) Mercury in the sign of Moon, i.e. Cancer, and posited in 6th or 8th house aspected by Moon, also causes death within four years. 5) Venus posited in Cancer or Leo aspected by benefics from 6th , 8th or 12th house and also aspected by strong malefics allows the child to survive for six years. But when Ketu be rising in Ascendant the child would die immediately after birth.

13. If a Pasha or Pakshi decanate be rising and be occupied by malefic5 the child would die in 7th year. If malefics occupy the trine houses and be not aspected by benefics, and benefics be all posited in 6th and 8th houses (and they be further aspected by malefics), the child would die in 8th Year.

14. If them be a malefic in Ascendant or 7th house, the lord of Ascendant be aspected by or associated with a malefic and Moon be in Ascendant, the child would live for seven years. If the lord of the sign occupied by Moon and the lord of Ascendant together be posited in 6th, 8th, 12th, or 7th house, the longevity of the child in years would be equal to the number of the sign occupied by Moon. If Moon be in Gemini or Virgo and be associated with Sun and Mars without aspect of benefics the longevity of the child would be nine years.

16. If in a horoscope Mars be in its sign of debilitation or be posited in the 8th and Sun in its debiliation sign be posited in a trine, the native would be stupid and unhappy and would live on alms.

17. Planets placed in the last degree of the signs contribute very little to the longevity of the native. But if a planet be in his exaltation sign, own sign or a friendly sign he would contribute a good number of years to his longevity.

18. If Ascendant be Aries or Scorpio and Saturn be associated with a malefic is in Leo, the arms of the native would be amputated. If Saturn be in 6th house aspected by inimicals planets the native would lose his hands as well as feet.

19. The learneds say that if Moon conjoined with three malefics be in the 6th house and be aspected by malefics without receiving any benefic aspect, the native would injure his eyes. If Mars, Rahu and Saturn be in 8th house the native would 1ose his nose. If Moon and Saturn being in Cancer be placed in 8th house without aspect of a benefic, the native would injure his feet.

20. If a malefic planet be in the sign of another malefic planet, and aspected by Rahu and Saturn as malefics, Moon in conjunction with a malefic be aspected by Sun, Mars and Saturn, the native born with such dispositions would kill barren cows and the Brahmins (the priestly class). If there be three or more malefics in a sign, the native born with such dispositions would remain sickly. In such a combination Sun should be treated as a malefic only when it is not in conjunction with Venus.

21. If Rahu be in his own sign Virgo and Mars, Mercury and Venus together be placed in 10th house the fortune and ill-luck would only be momentary for the native. (They would not be long-lasting). If there be male&s in 2nd, 3rd and 7th houses and a weak Jupiter be posited in 5th house, the native would be a man of objectionable character.

22. If there be malefics in 4th, 12th and 10th houses, the native would leave his place of birth and roam about from place to place, becoming a cause of anxiety for his parents. If all the planets occupy 9th, 5th and 4th houses, the native would lose his earlier-born children, but issues from the second and third wives would remain alive.

23. If Mars be in 6th house, Rahu in 7th house and Saturn in 8th house, the native would lose his partner and become dependant on others. If at birth, Ascendant Tithi (lunar date) and day (or the night) be at their last portion and if the rising Navamsa be a moveable one, the native would be the last issue of his parents. He would not have younger brothers or sisters.

24. If Sun be in 7th, Mars in 10th and Rahu in 12th house, the native would lose his parents. If in this combination (i.e. with Sun in 7th and Mars in 10th), Rahu and Jupiter are placed in 6t,h, 1st or 4th house, the parents of the native would die within 24 Years of his age and the native would be held responsible for it.

25. If malefics be posited in their own signs in 1st, 4th and 10th houses, the native would earn his livelihood with great dificulfy. Even if there be aspect of benefic planets of malefics the native would not give up his evil disposition but would continue to indulge in sinful acts.

26. If Sun, Rahu, Saturn and Jupiter be in Ascendant, 6th or 5th house, the child born under such disposition would bring adverse effects to the parents. If there be malefics in 10th, 3rd, 7th and 12th houses, the child born under this combination would always be sulrering from some kind of trouble in the body.

27. If Saturn be in Ascendant, Moon in 6th house and Mercury in the 7th house, these dispositions would cause destruction of father. If all malefics be posited in quadrants (1, 4, 7, 10), 2nd house and in trines (5, 9) they would bring ruin to the entire family and make the native very poor.

28. If Saturn be in 2nd house, Jupiter in Ascendant, Rahu in 3rd house, these dispositions would prove disastrous for the mother. The result would be the same when Saturn, Rahu, Venus and Mars occupy respectively Taurus, Gemini Virgo and Leo.

29. If Rahu, Sun, Venus, Saturn and Mercury be in second house, the father would die before the birth of the child. These dispositions in the birth chart of the child are also not auspicious for the longevity of the mother. If Saturn be in Aquarius, Moon in Aries, Sun in 12th house and Venus in Capricorn the child would not enjoy the wealth of his father.

30. If Mars in its own sign conjoined with Mercury and Venus, aspects 10th house, the native would get very meagre reward for his efforts. If Rahu be in 3rd house, and Mercury with Jupiter in the 2nd, the native would have three brothers.

31. If Mars be in 7th, Sun in 9th and Venus in 8th house, the native would be short-lived. If Venus be in 2nd house, Moon in Ascendant, Sun and Mercury in 12th and Rahu in 5th house, the native may be imprisoned for involvement in murder cases.

32. If Mars and Saturn be in 2nd house and Rahu in 3rd, the native would lose his brother. If Saturn and Moon be in 9th house, the wife of the native would be of loose character. If there be similar disposition of planets in a womans birth chart, her husband would be of immoral character.

33. If Sun be posited in Pisces in 12th house, he would cause trouble to the right eye of the native. The left eye would be affected if Moon be in the same position. If Mars or Venus be eclipsed by Sun in 5th house, the native would, in all probabilitv, be one eyed.

34. If Ascendant be Leo with Venus posited therein and Saturn be in Cancer, the native would suffer from eye trouble. If Mars, Saturn, Moon and Sun occupy in any nativity 2nd, 12th, 6th and 8th houses respectively, the native would lose his eye-sight through a disease caused by the strongest among them.

35. If there be a malefic in 10th house from Sun and the lord of 10th house as well as that occupied by Sun be afllicted on account of association with or aspect by malefics, these dispositions in a nativity would bring disaster to the father of the native. If Moon be hemmed in between malefics, if there be malefics in 4th and 7th house from Moon and Moon be weak also, such disposition would be distressing (or troublesome) for the mother of the native. the native. Similarly if there be malefics in third house from Mars and if Similarly if there be malefics in third house from Mars and if that house, its lord and Mars be not well-placed owing to their that house, its lord and Mars be not well-placed owing to their being in debilitation, inimical houses, etc., these dispositions being in debilitation, inimical houses, etc., these dispositions would, give adverse results to the natives brothers and his valour would, give adverse results to the natives brothers and his valour would also be affected.

36. If there be malefics in sixth house reckoned from Mercury be in debilitation and week, and the lord of 6th from Mercury be in an inauspicious house, the native would bring distress to his maternal uncles family by either causing its extinction other serious trouble.

If Jupiter be in its debilitation or inimical sign, 5th house from occupied by malefics, and if the lords of 5th house (both from Ascendant and Jupiter) be not well-placed, the native would not derive any happiness from his children (there may be no child) and he may have to adopt a child.

In the the same way, we should consider from Venus the welfare etc. of the wife-whether 7th house from Venus has malefics or not, or wether the lords of 7th house from Ascendant or from Venus are happily placed or not. If the dispositions be good, there would be happiness, otherwise conjugal relationship may cause trouble in domestic life. The natives longevity should be considered from Saturn. If strong malefics be placed in 8th house from Saturn and the lord of the said house be also inauspiciously placed, this disposition would lead to early death of the native.

37. If 5th house be well-placed in a nativity, that is, it be occupied or aspected by its own lord or by a benefit planet possessing several kinds of strength, the happiness of the children of the native would be assured. If the lord of Ascendant be posited in Ascendant, 2nd or 5th house, the first issue would be a son. If the lord of Ascendant be in 4th house, the native would get first a son and then a daughter, or first a daughter and then a son.

38. If the lord of 3rd house be in Ascendant, 2nd, 12th, 3rd or 5th house, the native would not get happiness from his children (another interpretation is that in such a disposition of the planets, the children of the native would be deprived of happiness). If the sign of 5th house be owned by Jupiter, i.e., if it be Sagittarius or Pisces the native would lose his first issue, but if that sign or house be aspected or occupied by its own lord, the native would get happiness in respect of children (that is, he would be blessed with children).

39. If Jupiter and Venus be in their debilitation signs Sun in an odd sign and Mercury in an even sign, no issue would be born to the native by his own efforts. If Moon in Cancer be associated with or aspected by malefics, and Sun be aspected by Saturn, the native would get a son in his old age.

40. If Ascendant falls in a sign owned by a malefic Planet, malefic be placed in Ascendant, Sun be in Scorpio and Mars in a dual sign, the native is likely to get an issue in the middle period of his life. If Ascendant be occupied by Mercury and Saturn, and Jupiter be associated with Venus, the combination is not likely to give any issue to the native.

41. If 3rd, l0th, 4th, 7th, 2nd, 9th and 11th houses be occupied by planets in their signs of debilitation, and 6th, 8th and 12th houses be occupied by planets in their signs of exaltation, such disposition of planets and houses would not prove auspicious for the native in the matter of children. If 3rd house from Ascendant be occupied by Mercury, the native would get two sons and three daughters. If a strong Jupiter be posited in 3rd house, the native would be blessed with five sons.

42. If Moon associated with Rahu be in 3rd house, the native would not have much wealth. He would have no brother or sister as well. If Saturn and Moon be together in 3rd house, the native would be of dark complexion and he would have no brothers. If 3rd or 5th house be occupied by Mars, the native would not get any son. If a strong Venus be posited in 7th, the native would be blessed with good children.

43. The following dispositions in a nativity are not auspicious for getting issues: 1) The lord of 5th house occupies the 6th, 8th or 12th house and is weak-no issues. 2) The lord of 5th house reckoned from Jupiter is in the same position-no issues. 3) Sun and Venus are in 5th-no issues. 4) Saturn and Rahu are posited in 5th aspected by malefics-no issues. The above combinations would cause loss of children as a consequence of the curse or wrath of the family deity. The worship of the deity should bc resorted to ward oli the evil.

44. If the childlessness be due to evil influence of Mercury or Venus, it has to be remedied by propitiating God Shiva. In other cases the remedial measures would be as follow: 1) The evil influence of Moon and Jupiter through herbs, proper talisman and mantras. 2) The evil influence of Rahu-by performing the marriage of a girl. 3) The evil influence of Ketu should be neutralised by gifting a cow to a Brahmin.

4) To remove the evil influence of Saturn and Mars the remedy would be to sprinkle holy water on God Shiva.

45. For warding off evil influence of Sun the native should attentively and with devotion listen to the recitation of Harivamsa Purana. If the childlessness is due to evil influence of all the plailets in equal degree, it should be removed by the recitation of "Santana Gopal Mantra". If fasts are observed properly for Sun and Mars, there would be progeny; the same would be assured if the Kamavrata observed properly (that is, according to procedure prescribed for it).

46. The author now describes some good combinations. If Venus, Jupiter and Mercury be placed in Ascendant, Pisces, Sagittarius, Cancer or Virgo, or if they be posited separately each in a single sign (e.g. Venus in Pisces or Libra, Jupiter in Pisces, Sagittarius or Cancer, Mercury in Gemini or Virgo and if these planets be free from (a) association with or aspect by malefics, (b) association with debilitated or eclipsed planets, they would produce auspicious or favourabie results. If Mars be in 10th house, Saturn and Moon be in Ascendant, Jupiter and Sun occupy two trims the native would become a king. For such combination Aries should be taken as Ascendant.

47. If Ascendant falls in a moveable sign, there be a planet in it, and other planets be in 3rd house and quadrants in their signs of exaltation, such a combination would bestow the native kingship. If the four quadrants be occupied by benefics and malefics be posited in 6th and 12th houses, the native would become a king with all the royal paraphernelia and fame.

48. If Ascendant or Moon be in vargottama (that is, if they occupy the same sign both in the birth chart and Navamsa) and receive aspects from four or more planets other than Moon, such a disposition would lead to Rajayogas (bestowing of kingship or honour). Again if Ascendant be in vargottama and bcnefics be placed in second house from Moon, if quadrants be occupied by strong planets, the native would become a king.

49. If Saturn be in Aquarius, Sun in Aries, Moon in Taurus and one of these signs be Ascendant, this combination would give birth to a king. If Mercury, Mars and Jupiter respectively bein Gemini, Scorpio and Leo, another rajayoga occurs, a third rajayoga would be formed when Moon is associated with Mars in an auspicious sign as Ascendant (suc as Peisces or Aries).

50. Four kinds of Rajayogas, combinations conferring kingship of the native, are described in this sloka: 1) If Moon be exalted and occupies Ascendant and if Mercury and Sun be in Virgo, Venus in Libra, Mars in Aries and Jupiter in Cancer. (This can happen with Taurus as Ascendant). 2) If Saturn be exalted and occupies Ascendant and if Mercury and Sun be in Virgo, Venus in Libra, Mars in Aries and Jupiter in Cancer. (Ascendants in this case would be Libra). 3) Ascendant be Taurus, Sun and Moon be in Sagittarius and Mars be in exaltation that is in Capricorn. (4) Five or more planets be in their exaltation signs and strong. (The Sun and Mercury cannot be in their exaltation signs simultaneously).

51. Two Rajayogas are described in this sloka: 1) Ascendant be Aries with Sun in it (i.e. in exaltation), Moon with Saturn be in 7th house (here Saturn would be exalted conjoined with full Moon and Jupiter be in Sagittarius. 2) Moon be in third, mars in 6th, Mercury in 9th, Jupiter in 12th houses and Saturn be in Capricorn which is the Ascendant also.

52. Three Rajayogas are described in this sloka: 1) Ascendant be Taurus with Moon in it (in exaltation), Sun be in 4th (in Leo), Jupiter in 7th and Saturn in 10th, house (Aquarius). 2) Pisces Ascendant and Venus be posited in it (in exaltation) and Jupiter be in conjunction with Moon in Sagittarius (10th house) and Mars be in the first portion of its exaltation sign (Capricorn). 3) Virgo be Ascendant and Mercury be posited third (in exaltation), Jupiter be in conjunction with Moon in Sagittarius and Mars be in first portion of Capricorn (its sign of exaltation).

53. Four Rajayogas we described in this sloka. 1) Virgo Ascendant, Mercury in the Ascendant (in exaltation), Jupiter, Venus and Moon in 4th (Sagittarius) and Mars and Saturn in 5th house (Capricorn). 2) Ascendant Pisces, Moon in Pisces, Saturn in Aquarius, Sun in Leo and Mars in Capricorn (its sign of exaltation). 3) Ascendant Aries, Mars in Ascendant and Jupiter in Cancer (its sign of exaltation). (4) Ascendant Cancer, Jupiter in Ascendant (in its sign of exaltation) and Mars in Aries (in 10th house in its own sign).

54. Two Rajayogas are described in this sloka: 1) Ascendant Cancer, Jupiter in Ascendant (in exaltation), Moon, Venus and Mercury in 11th house (Moon in exaltation and Venus in its own house), and Sun in Aries (in exaltation). 2) Ascendant in 1st half of Capricorn, Saturn in Ascendant (own sign), Mars in Aries (own sign), Moon in Cancer (own sign) Sun in Leo (own sign), Mercury in Gemini (own sign) and Venus in Libra (own sign).

55. Two Rajayogas are described in this sloka: The first Yoga has the power to confer kingship upon the native and the other makes the native wealthy: 1) Ascendant Virgo, lvfercury in Ascendant (in exaltation), Venus in 10th house, Moon and Jupiter in 7th (Sagittarius) and Saturn arid Mars in 5th house (Capricorn). 2) Moon in 10th, Saturn in 11th, Jupiter in 1st, Mercury and Mars in 2nd and Sun and Venus in 4th house.

56. Four auspicious combinations have been described in this sloka: 1) If there be a planet in its sign of exaltation but not combust, the native would become equal to king. 2) If Sun and Jupiter occupy 5th house from Ascendant the native nould become wealthy and well-versed in Shastras. 3) If a strong Mercury (that is, not in proximity to Sun and also otherwise strong) be posited in Ascendant and lord of second house occupies a quadrant, the native would perform good and meritorious deeds. 4) If there be a malelic planet in 6th house and a benefic in a quadrant, the person concerned would become wealthy and learned.

57. Two good combinations have been described in this sloka: 1) When Rahu together with Mars, Saturn and Venus be placed in Virgo, the native would become wealthy. 2) If debilitated planets (i.e. planets posited in their signs of debilitation) be placed in 11th, 10th, 2nd and 3rd houses from Ascendant, the native would become a king.

58. When two planets-one lord of a quadrant: one lord of a quadrant and the other lord of a trine unafllicted by association or aspect of malefics become mutually related, then they prove very auspicious and make the native prosperous. The mutual relationship takes place as under: 1) Each occupying the others house (exchange of houses). 2) Being together in a quadrant or trine. trine. 3) One being posited in a quadrant while the other in a 4) Being together in a single house. 5) Mutual aspect. 6) One aspecting the other. The effect of this combination would be at its best if the planets involved be lords of 9th and 10th houses.

Thus end the Prakeerna or the miscellaneous Sanketa, the 3rd of Sanketanidhi, a work written by Shri Rama Dayalu, the astrologer, for the benefit of Shri Ghasi Ram Sharma, the son of his elder brother, so that he may become proficient in Astrology.