หมวด: โหราศาสตร์ภารตะ (English)
จำนวนผู้อ่าน: 18888

Ch. 29. Effects of Saturn in Various Rāśis

1-2. SATURN IN ARIES. If Saturn occupies Aries at the time of one's birth one will be miserable due to his vices and hard labor, be deceitful will hate his relatives, be blameworthy, garrulous, reprobated, poor, bad in appearance, ill-tempered, inimical to his people, will do base acts, be jealous and sinful.

3-4. If Saturn occupies Taurus at the time of one's birth, he will be bereft of wealth, be a servant, will speak undesirable words, be untruthful, will win the hearts of old women, will have bad friends, will be addicted to women, will serve other women, be not outspoken, will have strong sight, be related to numerous assignments and be a fool.

5-6. If Saturn occupies Gemini, one will contract debts and imprisonments, will toil, will have vanity in disposition will consecrate by hymns and prayers, be bereft of virtues, be always in hide-out, be libidinous, cunning, wicked and fond of wandering and of sports.

7-8. SATURN IN CANCER. If Saturn is in Cancer, one will possess a beloved wife, be devoid of wealth in boyhood, will suffer many diseases, be learned, motherless, soft-spoken, distinguished in acts, will always contract diseases, will trouble others, be inimical to relatives, crooked, be kingly in his mid-life and will enjoy growing pleasures.

9-10. SATURN IN LEO. If Saturn occupies Leo, one will be interested in writing and reading, be skillful, be disdained, devoid of virtues and wife, will live by servitude, be devoid of his own men and happiness, be interested in doing base acts, ill-tempered, be mad with (undue) desires, will carry loads, will toil hard and will have a wrinkled body.

11-12. SATURN IN VIRGO. If Saturn occupies Virgo at birth the subject will resemble a eunuch, be very crafty, will depend on others for food, be addicted to prostitutes, will have a few friends, be unacquainted with arts, be desirous of indulging in ugly acts, will possess sons and wealth, be indolent, helpful to others, will intent upon spoiling virgins and be cautious in his actions.

13-14. Saturn posited in Libra at birth indicates, that the subject will be rich, soft-spoken, will earn money and honours from foreign countries, be a king, or a scholar, will have his wealth protected by his relatives, be senior in the circle, will attain a high status owing to his gracious speech in an assemblage, be good and will join corrupt female dancers and prostitutes.

15-16. SATURN IN SCORPIO. If Saturn occupies Scorpio at birth, the native will be hostile, be crooked, affected by poison and weapons, very ill-tempered, miserly, egoistic, rich, capable of stealing others' money, averse to instruments played on festive occasions, malicious, very miserable and will face destruction, misery and diseases.

17-18. SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS. If Saturn occupies Sagittarius, one will be skillful in behavior, teaching, Vedic meanings, learning and denotation, (i.e. he will be best placed in these respects), be famous due to virtuous children, family profession and his own virtues, will enjoy excellent affluence in his old age, will speak less, will have many names and be soft in disposition.

19-20. If Saturn is posited at birth in Capricorn, the native will lord over the lands of others' females, will be endowed with Vedic knowledge, virtues and knowledge of many branches of fine arts, be excellent among his caste-men, be honourable, will respect others, be famous, be interested in bathing and decoration, will be skillful in performance, will live in foreign places, be courageous and be polite in behavior.

21-22. If Saturn is in Aquarius, the native will be a great liar, be eminent, be addicted to women and wine, be wicked, crafty, will fall prey to evil friendship, be very ill-tempered, be averse to knowledge, conversation and traditional law, be addicted to other women, be harsh in speech and will attempt at many undertakings.

23-24. SATURN IN PISCES. If Saturn occupies Pisces at birth, one will be fond of Sacrifices and arts, be chief among his relatives and friends, be calm, will have increasing wealth, be skillful in policy-making, be capable of diamond testing, be virtuous, modest and will later on acquire an authoritative position.

25-30. SATURN IN ARIES/SCORPIO IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If Saturn occupies a Rāśi of Mars and is aspected by the Sun, one will be interested in agriculture, be very affluent, be endowed with cows, buffaloes and horses, be fortunate and industrious.

If Saturn is in Aries, or Scorpio and is aspected by the Moon, one will be fickle minded, base, will join mean and ugly women and be devoid of happiness and wealth.

If Saturn is in Aries, or Scorpio and is aspected by Mars, one will kill animals, be base, be a leader of robbers, be famous and be fond of (joining other) women, meat and wine.

If Saturn is in Aries, or Scorpio and is aspected by Mercury, one will be untruthful, not virtuous, will eat much, be a famous thief and be devoid of happiness and riches.

If Saturn is in Aries, or Scorpio and is aspected by Jupiter, one will be endowed with happiness, wealth and fortune, be a king's minister and be chief.

If Saturn is in Aries, or Scorpio and is aspected by Venus, one will be quite unsteady in disposition, very ugly, will join other women and courtesans and be bereft of pleasures.

31-36. SATURN IN TAURUS/LIBRA IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should Saturn be in a Sign of Venus and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be clear in speech, will lose wealth, be a scholar, will eat in other's houses and be weak in constitution.

If Saturn is in Taurus, or Libra and is aspected by the Moon, one will gain wealth through women, will be honoured by ministers of kings, be dear to women and be endowed with family.

If Saturn is in Taurus, or Libra and is aspected by Mars, one will be skillful in war preparations, but will be away from war, will speak much and be endowed with wealth and family.

If Saturn is in Taurus, or Libra and is aspected by Mercury one will always be jocularly disposed, be equal to a neuter, will serve females and be base.

If Saturn is in Taurus, or Libra and is aspected by Jupiter, one will share happiness and misery of others, will do others' jobs, be dear to people, charitable and industrious.

If Saturn is in Taurus, or Libra and is aspected by Venus, one will be happy on account of women and wine (i.e. will enjoy these), be endowed with gems, be very strong and be dear to the king.

37-42. SATURN IN GEMINI/VIRGO AND IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If Saturn occupies a Rāśi of Mercury at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be devoid of happiness and wealth, be virtuous, bereft of anger, will endure difficulties and be valorous.

If Saturn is in Gemini, or Virgo and is aspected by the Moon, one will be equal to a king, will possess a bright physique, will earn wealth and honour through women and will do women's jobs.

If Saturn is in Gemini, or Virgo and is aspected by Mars, one will be a famous boxer, be stupefied, will carry heavy loads and will possess an ugly body.

If Saturn is in Gemini, or Virgo and is aspected by Mercury, one will be rich, skillful in war, be a dance master, a skillful singer and an expert in arts.

If Saturn is in Gemini, or Virgo and is aspected by Jupiter, one will be trustworthy in the king's circle, will possess all kinds of (good) qualities, be liked by good men and will earn wealth through his virtues.

If Saturn is in Gemini, or Virgo and is aspected by Venus, one will be skillful in beautifying women, be a teacher of Yogas, or a saint and be dear to the fair sex.

43-48. SATURN IN CANCER IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If Saturn occupies Cancer at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the native will lose his father in his very boyhood be bereft of wealth, wife and happiness, will eat bad food and be sinful.

If Saturn is in Cancer and is aspected by the Moon, one will be a source of evil to his mother, be wealthy and will be troubled by his co-born.

If Saturn is in Cancer and is aspected by Mars, one will enjoy king's wealth, be defective bodied, will possess gold and gems, be endowed with a family and will have a bad group of relatives and wife.

If Saturn is in Cancer and is aspected by Mercury, one will be hard-hearted, garrulous, will conquer his enemies, will show vanity and will do noble acts.

If Saturn is in Cancer and is aspected by Jupiter, one will be endowed with lands, houses, friends, sons, wealth, gems and wife.

If Saturn is in Cancer and is aspected by Venus, one is of a noble descent, but will be bereft of beauty, grace and happiness.

49-54. SATURN IN LEO IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If Saturn occupies the Sun-owned Rāśi and is aspected by the Sun himself, the native will be devoid of wealth, happiness and nobility, will be a liar and a drunkard, will possess a bad physique, be a servant and be very miserable.

If Saturn is in Leo and is aspected by the Moon, one will enjoy abundant wealth, precious stones and women, be widely famous and be dear to the king.

If Saturn is in Leo and is aspected by Mars, one will everyday move from place to place, be unfortunate, will live in fortresses and hills, be base and be bereft of wife and sons.

If Saturn is in Leo and is aspected by Mercury, one will not be outspoken, be lazy, poor, will do females' jobs, be dirty and miserable.

If Saturn is in Leo and is aspected by Jupiter, one will be chief and rich in his town, or among his men, will be endowed with progeny and be trustworthy.

If Saturn is in Leo and is aspected by Venus, one will be averse to women, be splendourous, slow (or tardy), happy, rich and will attain a good end.

55-60. SATURN IN JUPITER'S RASHI AND IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If Saturn occupies Sagittarius, or Pisces at birth, in aspect to the Sun the native will be the father of others' children and through these children he will attain wealth, name, fame and honour.

If Saturn is in Sagittarius, or Pisces and is aspected by the Moon, one will be bereft of mother, will have two names and be endowed with wife, children and wealth.

If Saturn is in Sagittarius, or Pisces and is aspected by Mars, one will be troubled by windy diseases, will dislike people, be sinful, mean, blameworthy etc.

If Saturn is in Sagittarius, or Pisces and is aspected by Mercury, one will be equal to a king, be happy, be a preceptor, be honourable, rich and fortunate.

If Saturn is in Sagittarius, or Pisces and is aspected by Jupiter, one will be a king, or equal to a king, or a minister, or an Army chief and be free from all kinds of danger.

If Saturn is in Sagittarius, or Pisces and is aspected by Venus, one will have two mothers and two fathers, will live in forests and hills, will be unsteady and be endowed with many kinds of assignments.

61-66. SATURN IN OWN HOUSE IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If Saturn is in Capricorn/Aquarius and is aspected by the Sun, he will be sick, will have an ugly wife, will eat other's food, be miserable, wandering in nature and will carry loads.

If Saturn is in Capricorn, or Aquarius and is aspected by the Moon, one will be fickle-minded, untruthful, sinful, will not have good terms with his mother, be rich and be sorrowful due to wandering.

If Saturn is in Capricorn, or Aquarius and is aspected by Mars, one will be very valorous, famous, be superior among great men and sharp.

If Saturn is in Capricorn, or Aquarius and is aspected by Mercury, he will carry loads, be clouded in mentality (or Tamasik in disposition), be good-looking, wandering-natured, learned, be not quite wealthy and be fortunate.

If Saturn is in Capricorn, or Aquarius and is aspected by Jupiter, one will be famous for his good qualities, be a king, or be of royal scion, long-lived and be free from diseases.

If Saturn is in Capricorn, or Aquarius and is aspected by Venus, one will be rich, addicted to other women, fortunate, happy and will enjoy food and drinks.

Thus ends the 29th Ch. entitled Effects of Saturn in Various Rāśis in Kalyana Varma's Saravali.

Ch. 30. Effects of Planets in Bhavas

1. In order, that the effects of physique etc. for the various human beings are understood, I explain below things relating to (various) Bhavas (of a horoscope) in a special manner.

2. The Sun in the Ascendant denotes, that the native will have less hair (on the head), be lazy in function, given to anger, will have prominent personality, be honourable, will have weak sight and coarse physique, be courageous, impatient and unkind. If the Ascendant is Cancer and is occupied by the Sun, the native will have swollen eyes, if it be Aries with Sun therein, his sight will be weak and in Leo the Sun makes him night-blind. One suffers poverty and loss of children, if the Sun occupies Libra.

3. SUN IN 2nd. If the Sun is in the 2nd Bhava, the native will be endowed with servants and quadrupeds, will suffer facial diseases, will be deprived of happiness and wealth and will lose money through royal displeasure, or through thieves.

4. Should the Sun be in 3rd, the native will be valorous, strong, will lose co-born, be dear to people, good-looking, very learned and will conquer his enemies.

5. Should the Sun be in 4th, the native will be devoid of conveyances and relatives, will suffer heart diseases, will destroy paternal house and wealth and will serve a bad king.

6. If the Sun occupies the 5th, the native will be bereft of happiness, sons and wealth, will live by husbandry, will move in hills and fortresses, be fickle-minded, scholarly, devoid of strength and be short-lived.

7. If the Sun is in 6th, the native will be very libidinous, will have powerful digestive fire (capable of digesting fast), be strong, affluent, famous for virtues and be either a king, or an Army chief.

8. If the Sun is posited in 7th, the native will be poor, insulted, will suffer bodily diseases, royal displeasures and imprisonment, will take to bad ways and will not be well-disposed to his wife.

9. If the Sun occupies the 8th, the native will have deformed eyes, be devoid of wealth and happiness, be short-lived and will suffer separation from his relatives.

10. If the Sun occupies the 9th, the native will be endowed with wealth, children and friends, will be very interested in worshipping Gods and Brahmins, will not be well-disposed towards his father and wife and be not calm.

11. Should the Sun be in 10th, the native will be extremely intelligent, rich, strong and will be endowed with conveyances, relatives and sons, will succeed in his undertakings, be valorous, unconquerable and great.

12. Should the Sun be in 11th, one will be interested in gathering money, be strong, will hate others, be devoid of servants, be himself a servant, be devoid of affection, be modest and will be successful in undertakings.

13. If the Sun is in 12th at birth, he will have a deformed physique, be one-eyed, fallen (morally), will marry a barren lady, be inimical to his father, weak and mean.

14. The Moon in the Ascendant identical with Cancer, Taurus, or Aries indicates, that the native will be liberal, beautiful, rich and enjoying pleasures greatly. The Moon in the Ascendant identical with other Signs indicates, that the native will be intensely passionate, base, deaf, distressed, dumb and will decline (in prosperity).

15. Should the Moon be in 2nd, the native will enjoy incomparable happiness and friends and be wealthy. If the said Moon be Full, the native will be very affluent and will speak less.

16. Should the Moon be in 3rd, the native will protect his co-born, be always delighted, valorous and will be endowed with learning, robes and food.

17. If the Moon be in 4th, the native will be endowed with relatives, paraphernalia and conveyances, be charitable, fond of travelling by water and will neither be very happy nor be miserable.

18. Should the Moon be in 5th, the native will be timid in disposition, will earn learning, clothes and food, will have many sons and friends, be a scholar and be passionate.

19. If the Moon be in 6th, the native will suffer stomachial diseases. If it be the weak Moon, he will be short-lived.

20. If the Moon is in 7th, the native will be amiable, happy, will possess a good physique and be sensuously disposed. If the weak Moon is in 7th, the native will be pitiable and weak.

21. If the Moon is in 8th, the native will be very intelligent, very splendourous and will suffer from diseases. If the Moon be weak, he will be short-lived.

22. If the Moon is in 9th, the native will be devoted to divine and paternal assignments, will be endowed with happiness, wealth, intelligence and sons and will attract the fair sex.

23. If the Moon occupies the 10th, the native will not suffer grief, be dutiful, successful in his undertakings, affluent, pure, very strong, valorous and charitable.

24. Should the Moon occupy the 11th, the native will be wealthy, will have many sons, be long-lived, will have attendants to serve, be intelligent, sharp, valorous and splendourous.

25. If the Moon occupies the 12th, the native will be odious, fallen in moral sense, mean, will suffer eye diseases, be indolent, distressed (deformed), is born of other's loins and will be insulted at all times.

26. If Mars occupies the Ascendant, the native will be cruel, adventurous, dull-witted, short-lived, honourable, courageous, will have an injured physique, be attractive in appearance and fickle-minded.

27. If Mars occupies the 2nd, the native will be poor, will eat bad food, will possess an ugly face, will join bad men and be bereft of learning.

28. If Mars be in 3rd, the native will be courageous, unconquerable, bereft of co-born, be delighted, will have all virtues and be famous.

29. If Mars is posited in 4th, the native will be devoid of relatives, paraphernalia and conveyances, be very miserable, will live in others' houses and be distressed.

30. If Mars occupies the 5th, the native will be devoid of happiness, wealth and sons, be fickle-minded, be a talebearer, will incur evils, be wicked, distressed and mean.

31. If Mars occupies the 6th, the native will be highly libidinous, will have powerful digestive fire, be beautiful, tall, strong and great among his relatives.

32. If Mars is posited in 7th, the native will lose his wife, will suffer from diseases, will take to bad ways, be miserable, sinful, devoid of wealth, distressed and emaciated.

33. If Mars occupies the 8th, the native will suffer from diseases, be short-lived, will possess an ugly, or deformed body, will do base acts and will suffer grief.

34. If Mars occupies the 9th, the native will not be skillful in acts, be odious, will kill living beings, be not virtuous, be very sinful and honoured by the king.

35. If Mars occupies the 10th, the native will be proficient in his acts, be valorous, unconquerable, will serve important people, be endowed with sons and happiness and be very courageous.

36. If Mars occupies the 11th, the native will be virtuous, happy, courageous, endowed with wealth, grains and sons and be devoid of sorrow.

37. Should Mars be in 12th, the native will have diseased eyes, will fall in moral sense, will kill his wife, be a talebearer, be fierce and will contract humility and imprisonment.

38. Should Mercury occupy the Ascendant, the native will have a flawless physique, be intelligent, will know proper (beneficial) place and time, be well-versed in poetry and mathematics, be a skillful and sweet speaker and be long-lived.

39. If Mercury is in the 2nd, the native will earn wealth through his own wisdom, will enjoy food and drinks, be auspicious in speech and will have good course of conduct.

40. If Mercury occupies the 3rd, the native will always toil hard, be devoid of near and dear, skillful, endowed with co-born, very cunning and fickle-minded.

41. If Mercury is in 4th, the native will be endowed with money and relatives, be fortunate, will have conveyances, all paraphernalia and relatives and be very learned.

42. If Mercury occupies the 5th, the native will be an expert in Mantras (sacred spells) and Abhicāra (malevolent spells), will have many sons, be endowed with learning, happiness and efficacy and be delighted.

43. If Mercury occupies the 6th, the native will always be successful in litigations and disputes, will contract diseases, be indolent, not given to anger, be harsh in speech and much insulted.

44. If Mercury is in 7th, the native's wife will be very learned, beautiful in appearance, will not be of good descent, will promote quarrels and be very affluent. The native himself will be very great.

45. If Mercury occupies the 8th, the native will win famous names (titles), be strong, long-lived, will support his family and be equal to a king, or will become a justice.

46. If Mercury occupies the 9th, the native will be very affluent, scholarly, of good conduct/habits, be eloquent in speech, skillful of a great order and be virtuous.

47. If Mercury occupies the 10th, the native will possess distinguished intelligence, will perform distinguished acts, will attain fruition in undertakings, be very learned, courageous, strong and will be endowed with various kinds of ornaments.

48. If Mercury occupies the 11th, the native will be rich, be an amicable worker, be learned, happy and endowed with wide enjoyments, be long-lived and famous.

49. Should Mercury be in the 12th, the native will be able to keep up his promise, be indolent, be humiliated, be a good speaker, be learned, pitiable and cruel.

50. If Jupiter occupies the 1st, the native will be attractive in appearance, energetic, long-lived, will act after assessing consequences, be learned, courageous and great.

51. Jupiter in the 2nd. If Jupiter occupies the 2nd, the native will be rich, will enjoy good food, be an eloquent speaker, be fortunate, be charitable and will have a beautiful body and face.

52. If Jupiter occupies the 3rd, the native will be greatly humiliated, be vile, ever successful, will have digestive deficiencies, be defeated by women and be sinful in acts.

53. If Jupiter occupies the 4th, the native will be endowed with relatives, paraphernalia, conveyance, happiness, intelligence, pleasures and wealth, be great and be a source of misery to his enemies.

54. If Jupiter occupies the 5th, the native will have abundant happiness, many sons and friends, be learned, courageous, wealthy and will always be happy.

55. If Jupiter is in the 6th, the native will lack digestive fire and masculine virile, be humiliated, weak, indolent, will become famous on account of females, will destroy his enemies and be widely famous.

56. If Jupiter occupies the 7th, the native will be charming, will acquire a beautiful wife, be greater than his father, be an eloquent speaker, a poet, a superior person and be learned and famous.

57. If Jupiter occupies the 8th, the native will be insulted, long-lived, be a servant, will serve his own people, be pitiable and will have union with dirty women.

58. If Jupiter is in 9th, the native will be attached to divine and paternal duties, be learned, fortunate, be a king's minister, or a leader and be chief.

59. If Jupiter occupies the 10th, the native will attain successful beginning in his undertaking, be honourable, effortful and will be endowed with abundant welfare, happiness, wealth, relatives, conveyances and fame.

60. If Jupiter occupies the 11th, the native will enjoy many gains, many conveyances and many servants, be virtuous, but will have limited education and few sons.

61. If Jupiter occupies the 12th, the native will be indolent, odious, be devoid of speech and luck and will be in all probability in servitude.

62. If Venus is in Ascendant, the native will possess beautiful eyes, face and physique, be happy, long-lived, timid and attractive to females.

63. If Venus is in the 2nd, the native will enjoy abundant food, drinks and wealth, will derive excellent pleasures, be endowed with good speech and will amass great wealth.

64. If Venus occupies the 3rd, the native will be happy, rich, conquered by women, be vile, little enthusiastic and will be bereft of luck and paraphernalia.

65. If Venus occupies the 4th, the native will be endowed with relatives, friends and happiness, be splendourous, will have conveyances and paraphernalia, be beautiful, rich and fortunate.

66. If Venus is posited in the 5th, the native will be endowed with happiness, sons and friends, be fond of sexual union, be very affluent, full of everything and be a minister, or a justice.

67. If Venus occupies the 6th, the native will greatly dislike his wife, will have many foes, be devoid of wealth, be very much startled and be mean.

68. If Venus occupies the 7th, the native will be very beautiful, be happy with his wife, will enjoy great riches, be devoid of quarrels and be fortunate.

69. If Venus is in the 8th, the native will be long-lived, will enjoy incomparable happiness, be very rich, be equal to a king and moment after moment will feel delighted.

70. If Venus occupies the 9th, the native will possess a spotless and broad physique, be endowed with wealth, charitable, wife, sexual pleasures and friendship and will honour Gods, guests and preceptors/elders.

71. Should Venus occupy the 10th, the native will earn success in litigations and will be endowed with happiness, sexual unions, honour, wealth, fame and great wisdom.

72. If Venus is positioned in 11th, the native will have obedient servants, be bereft of all kinds of misery and will gain abundantly.

73. Should Venus be in 12th, the native will be indolent, happy, corpulent, fallen in moral sense, will eat cleansed food, will be skillful in providing sleeping comforts and attendants and will be won over by women.

74. If Saturn happens to be in the Ascendant identical with exaltation, or own House, the native will equal a king in status, or will head a country, or city. If Saturn is in the Ascendant in other Rāśis, then his own, or exaltation Rāśi, the planet will give misery in boyhood, dirty disposition and indolence.

75. If Saturn occupies the 2nd, the native will have an ugly face, will enjoy worldly prosperity, be devoid of his own men, will render justice, will later on (in the course of his life) go to other countries and will earn money and conveyances.

76. If Saturn occupies the 3rd, the native will be dark in complexion, will maintain physical cleanliness, be base, will have indolent attendants, be courageous, charitable and will have great intelligence.

77. SATURN IN THE 4th. If Saturn occupies the 4th Bhava, the native will suffer heart disease, or be broken-hearted, be devoid of relatives, conveyances, wealth, intelligence and happiness, will suffer sickness in boyhood and will have (prominent) nails and hair.

78. SATURN IN THE 5th. Should Saturn occupy the 5th Bhava, the native will be bereft of happiness, sons, friends, intelligence and kindness, be agitated and be poor.

79. If Saturn occupies the 6th, the native will be very licentious, be beautiful, courageous, will eat abundantly, be crooked and will conquer many of his enemies.

80. If Saturn is posited in the 7th, the native will always be subjected to ill health, will lose his wife, be bereft of wealth, will present himself ugly, be sinful and will do very mean acts.

81. If Saturn occupies the 8th, the native will suffer from leprosy and fistula in the anus, or pudendum, will have short life and will fail in his undertakings.

82. If Saturn occupies the 9th, the native will be devoid of religious merits, will not have much wealth, be bereft of co-born, sons and happiness and will cause sorrow to others.

83. If Saturn occupies the 10th, the native will be wealthy, learned, valorous and be a minister, or a justice, or be the leader of a group, city, or village.

84. If Saturn occupies the 11th, the native will be long-lived, endowed with lasting riches, be courageous, will have knowledge of arts, be devoid of sickness and be endowed with money, people and wealth.

85. If Saturn occupies the 12th, the native will be distressed, fallen in moral sense, talkative, will have defective eyesight, be unkind, shameless, will spend much and be insulted.

86-81. If malefics occupy various Bhavas (other than 6th, 8th and 12th), they bring harm to the Bhavas, while benefics increase their potence. Malefics are auspicious in evil Houses, i.e. 6th, 8th and 12th, while benefics prove adverse in these Bhavas. According the strength of Yogakaraka planets, their beneficial relationship, friendly/inimical aspects etc. and position in exaltation/debilitation, the (good, or bad) results of Bhavas can vary (i.e. be maximum, medium, or nil).

Thus ends the 30th Ch. entitled Effects of Planets in Bhavas in Kalyana Varma's Saravali.

Ch. 31. Two Planets in Angles

1. Now explained are effects of two planet conjunctions in the Ascendant, the 4th, the 7th and the 10th.

2-5. SUN-MOON CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. If the Sun and Moon occupy the Ascendant, the native will suffer grief regarding parents, will be devoid of honour, sons and wealth, be insulted and miserable.

If the Sun and Moon join in the 4th Bhava, the native will be deprived of relatives, happiness and sons, will suffer penury and will be a great dunce.

If the Sun and Moon join in the 7th Bhava, he will be devoid of friends and sons and be insulted by females.

If the Sun and Moon join in the 10th Bhava, he will possess a beautiful physique, be an Army chief, be endowed with the quality of Rajas, or passion, be unkind, crooked and will destroy his enemies.

6-9. SUN-MARS CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. If the Sun and Mars join in the Ascendant, the person will be bilious, be bold in war, short-tempered, will have injured body, be cruel, crafty and harsh.

If the Sun and Mars join in the 4th, he will be devoid of relatives and wealth, be bereft of all kinds of happiness and be agitated.

If the Sun and Mars join in the 7th, he will suffer from separation from his wife, be insulted on account of females and will be fond of moving in foreign places.

If the Sun and Mars join in the 10th, the native will face failure in his undertakings, be a servant, be emotional, be a principal employee with the king and be always distressed.

10-13. SUN-MERCURY CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. If the Sun and Mercury are in the Ascendant, the native will be very learned and garrulous, will have hard limbs, be fond of adventures, be wise and be long-lived.

If the Sun and Mercury are in the 4th, the native will be equal to a king, be famous, will keep up his promise, will be endowed with riches equal to that of Kubera (the God of Wealth in Hindu Mythology) and will have a corpulent body and crooked nose.

If the Sun and Mercury are in the 7th, the native will meet his death due to murder, or imprisonment, will not keep up his word, be a great miser, bereft of sexual pleasures and be a thief.

If the Sun and Mercury are in the 10th, he will be famous in the entire world, will own elephants and horses and be a king, provided none of these two is in debilitation.

14-17. SUN-JUPITER CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. If the Sun and Jupiter join in the Ascendant, the native will be virtuous, be a minister, or an Army chief, or be sagely in disposition and will be endowed with learning, wealth, pleasures and fame.

If the Sun and Jupiter join in the 4th, he will be interested in Vedas, Justice and poetry, be eloquent, virtuous, fortunate and will be endowed with servants.

If the Sun and Jupiter join in the 7th, he will subdue to women out of sexual passion, will dislike his father, be endowed with gold, ruby, silver and pearls and will possess a defect-free body.

If the Sun and Jupiter join in the 10th, he will be endowed with fame, happiness, honour and wealth and will become a king though belonging to a base lineage.

18-21. SUN-VENUS CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. If the Sun and Venus join in the Ascendant, the native will be fond of quarrels, be immodest, will take to bad conduct, be sorrowful, mean and be devoid of wealth and women.

If the Sun and Venus join in the 4th, one will serve others, be sorrowful, will fill himself with hatred towards others and will suffer penury.

One will be insulted by women, be devoid of wealth, will have a corpulent body, will wander in hills and forests, if the Sun be in the 7th along with Venus.

If the Sun and Venus join in the 10th, he will be engaged in trade, be a king's minister, be skillful in Shastras, arts etc. and will enjoy happiness of wealth and conveyances.

22-25. SUN-SATURN CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. Should the Sun and Saturn be together in the Ascendant at birth, the native is born of a blameworthy mother, will have blameworthy conduct, or profession, will always be of dirty disposition and be sinful.

Should the Sun and Saturn be together in the 4th House, the native will be base in disposition, will be synonym of penury and poverty and will be humiliated among his relatives.

Should the Sun and Saturn be together in the 7th House, the native will be inactive (“manda” has other meanings, like stupid, foolish, tardy, indifferent, weak-brained, addicted to drinking, defective etc.), indolent, unfortunate, devoid of a female and of wealth, will hunt animals and be highly dullwitted.

Should the Sun and Saturn be together in the 10th, one will serve in low position in foreign countries (i.e. places not of his own), will earn wealth through kings sometimes, but will lose the same in theft and be always poor.

26-29. MOON-MARS CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. The native, who has the Moon and Mars together in the Ascendant will have defects of blood, digestive fire and bile, will be a king (i.e. will be wealthy) and will be harsh.

The native, who has the Moon and Mars together in the 4th House, the native will incur grief, be devoid of wealth, happiness, progeny and relatives and be defective of some limb.

The Moon and Mars together in the 7th denotes, that the person concerned will be base, be after others' money, be garrulous, untruthful and jealous.

The Moon and Mars together in the 10th will make the person possess the wealth of Army consisting of horses, elephants and bipeds and brave.

30-33. MOON-MERCURY CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. Should the Moon and Mercury be together in the Ascendant, the native will possess happiness, intelligence, strength, fortune and splendour, be talkative and very skillful.

Should the Moon and Mercury be together in the 4th, one will be endowed with relatives, friends, progeny, happiness, valour, gold and precious stones and be fortunate.

Should the Moon and Mercury be together in the 7th, one will be valorous, be dear to king, or be a king himself, be famous, be a great poet and be soft in disposition.

Should the Moon and Mercury be together in the 10th, the subject will be honourable, be wealthy and very famous, be a royal minister, will grieve during the last leg of his life and be devoid of relatives.

34-37. MOON-JUPITER CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. If the Moon joins Jupiter in the Ascendant, the person concerned will be a king, will possess large and broad chest, will have many sons, friends and wives and will be endowed with a good physique and with relatives.

If the Moon joins Jupiter in the 4th indicate, that one will be a minister, or be of royal status, be endowed with happiness, relatives and great riches (or prowess) and will master many Shastras.

If the Moon joins Jupiter in the 7th will make one very learned, kingly, an expert in arts, a good businessman, dear to king, wealthy and prosperous.

If the Moon joins Jupiter in the 10th this conjunction gives learning, charitable disposition, wealth, honour and fame. Further he will be soft, will possess long arms and will be revered by all.

38-41. THE MOON-VENUS CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. If the Moon and Venus join in the Ascendant, the native will derive happiness through association with courtesans, be splendourous, be agreeable to elders and will possess garlands, clothes and scents.

If the Moon and Venus join in the 4th will make one derive happiness through females, earn wealth through water, dear to people and enjoy abundant pleasures.

If the Moon and Venus join in the 7th, one will join many women, will not have much wealth and not many sons, be an intellectual and will leave a royal history behind.

If the Moon and Venus join in the 10th will be endowed with honour, command and riches, be a king, or a minister, be famous and will be endowed with many people.

42-45. THE MOON-SATURN CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. If the Moon and Saturn join in the Ascendant, the native will be in servitude, be base, given to anger, be miserly, sleepy, lazy and sinful.

If the Moon and Saturn join in the 4th, one will earn through water, pearls and boats, be engaged in excavation (or in mines etc.), be excellent and agreeable to others.

If the Moon and Saturn join in the 7th, the subject will be devoid of wife, be supreme among his townsmen and be honoured by the king.

If the Moon and Saturn join in the 10th, the person concerned will win the enemies with his Army of horses, be famous, is a bad woman's son and will be head of men.

46. DISPOSITION OF THE MOON. If the Moon is conjunct benefics she will always prove beneficial.

If the Moon joins Mars/Saturn, she is always inauspicious; this does not apply to her joining Mars/Saturn in the 10th so, that the native becomes an Army chief.

47-50. MARS-MERCURY CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. One, who has Mars and Mercury in conjunction in the Ascendant will be murderous (or cruel, or mischievous), be skillful in dealing with jobs related to fire, be a metallurgist/mineralogist, be industrious, be an ambassador (or a messenger) and will enjoy concealed/secret properties.

If Mars and Mercury are conjunct in the 4th, one will be devoid of relatives, but endowed with friends, wealth, food, pleasures and conveyances and will be discarded by his own people.

If Mars and Mercury are conjunct in the 7th, one will wander from country to country (aimlessly), will serve base people, be skillful in arguments and will lose his first wife.

If Mars and Mercury are conjunct in the 10th denotes, that the person will be an Army chief, be valorous, crafty, very cruel, dear to king and courageous.

51-54. MARS-JUPITER CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. If Mars and Jupiter are in conjunction in the Ascendant, one will be a minister, will possess prime virtues, become famous in the front of charity and will be ever enthusiastic.

If Mars and Jupiter are in conjunction in the 4th, one will be endowed with relatives and friends, will have firm wealth, be happy, will serve the king and be devoted to the Almighty and elders.

If Mars and Jupiter are in conjunction in the 7th, one will be inclined to wander in hills, forts, water-resorts and forests, will have good relatives, be valorous and will be devoid of spouse.

If Mars and Jupiter are in conjunction in the 10th will confer kinghood, wide fame, abundant wealth and attendants and extreme skill at work.

55-58. MARS-VENUS CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. Should Mars and Venus join in the Ascendant the native will be addicted to prostitutes, will indulge in bad acts, will lose wealth on account of females and will not live long.

If the conjunction of Venus and Mars occur in the 4th, he will be bereft of relatives, friends and progeny, will be tortured by mental pressures and will be very miserable.

Should Mars and Venus join in the 7th denotes, that he will wander after women, will have a bad history, will experience abundant grief on account of females and will posses mean conduct.

Should Mars and Venus join in the 10th, one will be a master of archery, be intelligent, be endowed with learning, wealth, robes and flowers, be famous and be a king's minister.

59-62. MARS-SATURN CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. If Mars and Saturn are together in the Ascendant, one will be successful in wars, will hate his mother and will face curtailed longevity and declining fortunes.

If Mars and Saturn are together in the 4th, one will be bereft of food, drinks and happiness, be given up by his own men, be devoid of friends and be sinful.

If Mars and Saturn are together in the 7th indicates, that the native will be devoid of conjugal happiness and progeny, be indigent, sick, will house vices in him, be insulted by people and be a tale bearer.

If Mars and Saturn are together in the 10th, one will acquire wealth through king, but be punished for a great crime and be a liar.

63-66. MERCURY-JUPITER IN ANGLES IN CONJUNCTION. If Mercury and Jupiter be together in the Ascendant, one will have an auspicious (pleasing) appearance, will be endowed with auspicious (excellent) qualities, be learned, honoured by the king, will conquer his five senses and will enjoy conveyances, happiness and pleasures.

If Mercury and Jupiter be together in the 4th, one will be blessed with relatives, friends, happiness, females, fortune, wealth, royal favour and skill.

If Mercury and Jupiter be together in the 7th denotes, that one will obtain a virtuous wife, will destroy his enemies, will be endowed with many friends, people, wealth and prowess and will be famous on account of his father.

If Mercury and Jupiter be together in the 10th, these two planets together will make one a minister, or a king, honourable, commanding, famous, modest and interested in Vedas.

67-70. MERCURY-VENUS IN CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. If Mercury and Venus join in the Ascendant, one will have a good physique (i.e. beautiful physique), be learned, always fortunate, be honoured by the king, be very wealthy, pious of Brahmins and Almighty and be famous.

If Mercury and Venus join in the 4th, he will be endowed with sons, friends and relatives, be fortunate, be a minister, or a king and be endowed with happiness. (Kalyana apart from meaning happiness, indicates excellence, fortune, auspiciousness etc.)

If Mercury and Venus join in the 7th, he will be surrounded with many good women, be endowed with pleasures, money and sovereignty, be happy and be dear to king.

If Mercury and Venus join in the 10th, he will be endowed with knowledge of the science of ethics, (or Policy, or Politics), be a king, be virtuous, will not patronize base men, be wealthy, will attain good beginning in his undertakings and be skillful.

71-74. MERCURY-SATURN IN ANGLES IN CONJUNCTION. If Mercury and Saturn be in conjunction in the Ascendant, one will have a dirty body, be sinful, be bereft of learning, wealth and vehicles, be short-lived and will have declining fortunes.

If Mercury and Saturn be in conjunction in the 4th, he will be devoid of drinks, food and relatives, be rejected by his own people, be foolish, devoid of friends and be sinful.

If Mercury and Saturn be in conjunction in the 7th indicates, that he will be the servant of a rich person, be foolish, will harm others, be not virtuous, be very dirty and be not truthful.

If Mercury and Saturn be in conjunction in the 10th, he will conquer the entire band of his enemies, will be endowed with relatives, friends, conveyances and wealth and will honour the Almighty and Brahmins.

75-78. JUPITER-VENUS IN ANGLES IN CONJUNCTION. With Jupiter and Venus in the Ascendant, the native even though a Brahmin by birth will on account of his preceptor's teaching become a king, or equal to a king.

With Jupiter and Venus in the 4th the native will win all his enemies, will be endowed with relatives, friends, conveyances, wealth and will honour the Almighty and Brahmins.

With Jupiter and Venus in the 7th, one will acquire a virtuous female, be endowed with precious stones and riches, will acquire happiness, fame and female issue and will procure excellent conveyances and enjoy pleasures.

With Jupiter and Venus in the 10th, he will widely command, be widely honoured and endowed, wide riches, be a king, will have many servants and be virtuous.

79-82. JUPITER-SATURN IN CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. If Saturn and Jupiter are together in the Ascendant at birth, the native will be languid with passion (or intoxication), hard-hearted, is of a noble descent, learned, rich, will have limited happiness and be wicked.

If Saturn and Jupiter are together in the 4th, he will be a king's minister, be bereft of diseases, be successful, be endowed with relatives and friends, will have the wealth of affection (i.e. extremely affectionate) and be happy.

If Saturn and Jupiter are together in the 7th, he will lose wealth due to enmity with females, be courageous, will possess vices, be crafty, will not be endowed with pleasing appearance, will be greedy of paternal property and be foolish.

If Saturn and Jupiter are together in the 10th, he will be dear to the king, be a king himself, will have limited progeny, be in transitory (or steady) and will possess quadrupeds and conveyances.

83-86. VENUS-SATURN IN CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. If Venus and Saturn join together in the Ascendant, one will be seeking union with all women (i.e. he will enjoy many women), will possess a splendourous body, be endowed with happiness, pleasures and wealth, will have many servants and be highly bereaved.

If Venus and Saturn join together in the 4th, he will gain abundantly through friends, be highly honoured by his relatives and will be close to the king.

If Venus and Saturn join together in the 7th denotes, that the native will be bestowed with women, precious stones, wealth, fame and sexual pleasures.

If Venus and Saturn join together in the 10th, he will be devoid of all duals (i.e. good and bad, grief and happiness, poverty and wealth etc.), will perform excellent acts and be a famous minister.

87. EFFECTS OF MORE NUMBER OF PLANETS. Similarly the effects of conjunctions of 3, 4, 5, or 6 planets in Angles should be suitably understood.

Thus ends the 31st Ch. entitled “EFFECTS OF TWO PLANETS IN ANGLES” in Kalyana Varma's Saravali.